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Penile Lichen Sclerosus Treatment: Effective Strategies for Managing the Condition in the UK


Penile Lichen Sclerosus Treatment: Effective Strategies for Managing the Condition in the UK

Penile Lichen Sclerosus Treatment: Effective Strategies for Managing the Condition in the UK

Symptoms of Penile Lichen Sclerosus

Penile lichen sclerosus can manifest with various symptoms that may affect the penile and urethral areas. These symptoms include:

  • White patches or plaques on the skin
  • Atrophy of the skin
  • Redness
  • Erosions
  • Scarring
  • Restrictions in the opening of the urethra (meatal stenosis)
  • Telangiectasias (dilated blood vessels)
  • Petechiae (small red or purple spots caused by bleeding under the skin)
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Papular lesions

Penile Lichen Sclerosus (LS) is a long term skin condition which usually affects the skin of the genitals which can result in itching, burning, pain and scarring. Appearing in both men and women, it can be a life affecting condition, which distresses sufferers as it can cause both itching around the genitals, and also manifests as white patches in the area. These symptoms can damage confidence, and affect the quality of life for those who suffer with the symptoms of LS.

However, Elite Aesthetics are now able to offer those who suffer with Penile Lichen Sclerosus a long term solution that is administered in just one treatment.

The P Shot for men offers significant improvement in the symptoms of LS, reducing the need to take topical treatments in many cases.

The P-Shot use the body’s own platelet rich plasma (PRP) to help to heal the area, reducing the need for treatments such as topical steroid creams and helping in cases that are resistant to steroids.

Get in touch with Elite Aesthetics today, to find out how we are revolutionising treatment of lichen sclerosus in the UK, with the P-Shot.

What Causes Penile Lichen Sclerosus?

Although it’s not actually clear what causes lichen sclerosus, the medical professional understand that it is likely to be related to over activity within the immune system. While it is not an infection, and therefore not contagious, it does cause those who suffer with LS much discomfort, and for some, embarrassment. Lichen Sclerosis is usually a long term condition, and current treatments are usually steroid creams which generally just control symptoms, rather than treat the cause.

However, new studies show that the use of PRP injections, such as the P-Shot have had some great results with those who have taken part no longer needing to take topical creams, and symptoms greatly reducing. Injection of PRP into the affected areas has been reported to result in the regeneration of normal skin.

Penile Lichen Sclerosus Treatment Results

Our wonderful and brave patient Sam talks about her results for women and we have had amazing results for men also.

How to Get In Touch

Want to find out more or to book in with Dr Shirin for a consultation, either call us on 01322381205 or book online here.

Penile Lichen Sclreosus Symptoms

Here are some key characteristics and information about penile lichen sclerosus:

  1. Symptoms: Symptoms of penile lichen sclerosus can include itching, pain, and the appearance of white, thickened, and wrinkled patches of skin on the penis. The foreskin may become tight and unable to retract fully, leading to phimosis. In severe cases, lichen sclerosus can cause scarring, which can lead to erectile dysfunction or difficulty urinating.
  2. Cause: The exact cause of penile lichen sclerosus is not well understood, but it is thought to be related to an autoimmune response or hormonal imbalances. It is not generally considered contagious or related to sexual activity.
  3. Diagnosis: A diagnosis is typically made based on clinical symptoms and physical examination. In some cases, a biopsy may be performed to confirm the diagnosis.
  4. Surgical Treatment: The condition can be managed but is often not curable. Treatment options may include topical corticosteroid creams to reduce inflammation and itching. Surgery, such as circumcision, may be considered in cases where the foreskin is severely affected and non-retractable. Regular follow-up appointments with a healthcare provider are necessary to monitor the condition.
  5. Surgical Treatment: The P Shot has been successful at Elite Aesthetics to help manage the symptoms over a longer period of time of 12 months+. The treatment uses PRP to cause the body to regenerate the areas that have been damaged by LS.
  6. Complications: If left untreated, penile lichen sclerosus can lead to complications such as scarring, sexual dysfunction, and difficulty with urination. Early intervention and ongoing management are crucial to minimize the risk of these complications.

What is the treatment for lichen sclerosus in men?

Lichen sclerosus in men can have serious implications, including sexual and urinary dysfunction, as well as a risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma. Effective treatment strategies are crucial in managing this condition and improving the affected individuals’ quality of life.

Symptoms of penile lichen sclerosus

The initial symptoms of penile lichen sclerosus include the presence of white plaques, atrophic skin, redness, erosions, and sclerosis in the anogenital region. As the disease progresses, patients may also experience meatal strictures, telangiectasias, petechiae, pain, papular lesions, and narrowing of the foreskin.

Diagnosis of penile lichen sclerosus

The diagnosis of penile lichen sclerosus is primarily based on clinical symptoms and signs. In some cases, a biopsy may be required to confirm the diagnosis. Early diagnosis is essential to prevent complications and initiate timely treatment.

Medical treatments for penile lichen sclerosus

Medical interventions play a vital role in managing penile lichen sclerosus. These treatments often involve the use of potent topical steroid ointments to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms. Regular follow-up examinations are necessary to assess treatment efficacy and adjust the medication as needed.

Surgical options for penile lichen sclerosus

In more severe cases of penile lichen sclerosus, surgical intervention may be required. Circumcision is a significant factor in managing the disease, as it helps alleviate symptoms and improves outcomes. Surgical procedures should be approached carefully, considering individual patient factors.

Potential complications and risks

Penile lichen sclerosus can lead to significant complications, such as sexual and urinary dysfunction. Additionally, there is a risk of malignant transformation into squamous cell carcinoma. Early diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and regular monitoring are essential to minimize these risks and optimize patient outcomes.

What is the treatment for lichen sclerosus in men?

When it comes to treating lichen sclerosus in men, various medical and surgical options are available. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and individual preferences.

Here are some common approaches for managing penile lichen sclerosus:

Symptoms of penile lichen sclerosus

The first step in treating penile lichen sclerosus is to address its symptoms. These may include white patches, skin thinning, redness, and erosions. An individualized treatment plan is often created to target specific symptoms and provide relief.

Diagnosis of penile lichen sclerosus

A proper diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment. Healthcare professionals evaluate the symptoms, perform physical examinations, and may recommend a biopsy in certain cases. This helps confirm the presence of lichen sclerosus and ensures accurate treatment initiation.

Medical treatments for penile lichen sclerosus

In many cases, medical treatments are the first line of defense against penile lichen sclerosus. Topical corticosteroids, such as creams or ointments, are commonly prescribed to reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms. Regular application of these medications helps manage the condition and prevent its progression.

In addition to corticosteroids, other topical treatments like calcineurin inhibitors may be considered for individuals who cannot tolerate or don’t respond well to steroids. These medications work by suppressing the immune response and reducing inflammation.

Surgical options for penile lichen sclerosus

In more severe cases or when medical treatments prove ineffective, surgical interventions may be recommended. Circumcision, the surgical removal of the foreskin, is a common procedure used to manage penile lichen sclerosus. This can help alleviate symptoms, prevent complications, and improve overall penile health in affected individuals.

Potential complications and risks

It is important to be aware of potential complications and risks associated with penile lichen sclerosus and its treatment. In rare cases, the condition can increase the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer. Regular follow-up visits with healthcare professionals are essential to monitor the condition and detect any signs of malignancy early on.

While treatments aim to manage symptoms and improve quality of life, it’s crucial for individuals with penile lichen sclerosus to maintain regular check-ups and adhere to prescribed treatment protocols for long-term management.

Diagnosis of penile lichen sclerosus

The diagnosis of penile lichen sclerosus is primarily based on the patient’s symptoms and clinical examination. A healthcare professional may also perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis in certain cases. It involves taking a small sample of the affected skin for microscopic analysis.

Medical treatments for penile lichen sclerosus

Medical treatments for penile lichen sclerosus aim to reduce inflammation, relieve symptoms, and prevent progression of the disease. Some treatment options include:

  • Topical corticosteroids: Strong topical corticosteroid ointments are often prescribed to reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms. They are typically applied directly to the affected area.
  • Calcineurin inhibitors: In some cases, medications like tacrolimus or pimecrolimus may be used as an alternative to corticosteroids.
  • Moisturizers: Regularly applying moisturizers or emollients can help keep the skin hydrated and reduce discomfort.

Surgical options for penile lichen sclerosus

In certain situations, surgical interventions may be necessary to manage complications or improve symptoms. Surgical options for penile lichen sclerosus include:

  • Circumcision: Circumcision involves the surgical removal of the foreskin. It is considered important in addressing the disease and preventing its progression. Circumcision may provide long-term relief and improve the overall condition in many cases.
  • Urethral dilatation: In cases of meatal stenosis, a healthcare professional may perform urethral dilatation to widen the urethra and improve urine flow.

Potential complications and risks

If left untreated or improperly managed, penile lichen sclerosus can lead to complications and potential risks, which may include:

  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Urinary difficulties
  • Increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma (a type of skin cancer)

what is lichen sclerosus treatment

lichen-sclerosus-treatment-cure-uk-private-clinic-balanitis-xerotica-obliterans O Shot

Corticosteroid ointments or creams are commonly prescribed for lichen sclerosus. However these will treat flare ups, but will not always help with long term symptoms.

Lichen sclerosus when to see a doctor?

When to see a doctor. See your doctor if you have signs and symptoms common to lichen sclerosus.

Can lichen sclerosus be treated naturally?

Except in cases involving children, which sometimes resolve on their own, lichen sclerosus can't be cured. However, it can be treated. Treatment options include: topical corticosteroids, which are often applied daily.




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Prices From

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The P-Shot £ 1350
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the O-Shot and P-Shot are completely safe. There are no recorded major side effects as a result of the treatments. As they are administered by a needle, in few patients some swelling, bruising or slight blood spotting may appear.


What Does The Penile Lichen Sclerosus Treatment Involve?

The P-Shot and O-Shot are non surgical procedures which use the growth factors (PRP) within the body to stimulate regeneration of the area. A small amount of blood is taken from the arm, and then placed in a centrifuge where the plasma is then harvested. This is then injected into the site to regenerate and rejuvenate the area.

For sufferers of lichen sclerosus, the symptoms should ease over a short period of time.






Is There Any Downtime With The Treatment?

Not at all! You can go back to your usual day, straight afterwards, and yes, that includes sexual activity.



Am I Suitable For The P-Shot To Treat Penile Lichen Sclerosus?

Our medical professional will talk you through the procedure and your medical history to ascertain whether you are suitable for the treatment. In the majority of cases, most people are fine for the P-Shot treatment.



How Long Will The Procedure Take?

You can have the P-Shot done on your lunch break! The treatment will usually take around 45 minutes, and you can then get back to your normal day.



Is The Treatment Painful?

For both the P-Shot and the O-Shot the site of the injection will be numbed prior to the treatment, meaning that you should feel minimal discomfort.



Lichen Sclerosus Pictures

Lichen Sclerosus Pictures are visible in the video below. We are able to show you detailed pictures during your consultation.

Men's and boys' symptoms

Among the symptoms are:

Sore or itchy white patches on the penis, especially around the tip but also on the shaft the skin at the tip of the penis becoming firm and white difficulty pulling the foreskin back, which can make peeing difficult and lead to painful erections if untreated

Other areas of the body, including the upper arms, back, breasts, and shoulders, are occasionally affected in both men and women.

A doctor can often diagnose lichen sclerosus simply by asking about your symptoms and examining your skin. In some cases, a biopsy, in which a skin sample is taken for analysis, may be required to aid in the diagnosis.


How long does Lichen Sclerosus last?

Lichen sclerosus is a long-term condition that affects the majority of people and may flare up and down over time.

There is no cure at the moment, but symptoms can usually be managed with steroid medication applied directly to the affected skin. However, we have seen patients recover from Lichen Sclerosus after the P Shot treatment.

Lichen sclerosus occasionally disappears and does not reappear. This usually happens when the affected child reaches puberty.

Lichen Sclerosus Self-Help

The following measures can often help keep your symptoms under control:

  • Use plain water or an emollient instead of soap or bubble bath. Instead, use a wash, such as aqueous cream (but avoid leaving aqueous cream on the skin after washing)
  • Avoid rubbing or scratching the affected area.
  • After peeing, gently dab your genitals dry to prevent urine from irritating the skin.
  • After washing and before and after urinating, apply a barrier cream or ointment to the affected areas, such as petroleum jelly.
  • Wear underwear made of natural materials such as cotton or silk instead of tights – women may find that wearing stockings rather than tights helps.
Does Lichen Sclerosus Get Worse?

Lichen sclerosus is a chronic disease, meaning that once it develops, it lasts for a long time, often for the rest of a patient’s life. Though it often worsens over time, the good news is that treatments are now available that can reduce symptoms and stop progression of the disease.

Can Lichen Sclerosus affect the anus?

Lichen sclerosus is a disorder that can affect the skin on your anus or penis. It causes your skin to become discoloured, thin, irritated and itchy. Blisters and sores (usually from persistent itching) may also form on your genitals.

Lichen Sclerosus Foreskin Treatment

The affected skin may feel uncomfortable, sometimes itchy, burning, and sore, especially during or after sex. Often the foreskin gets tighter and more difficult to retract, leading to painful erections. The skin may tear and bleed during sexual intercourse.

Does Lichen Sclerosus Smell?

Those suffering from genital Lichen Sclerosus might experience a foul smell. Little research has been done on it as a symptom and how to treat the smell.

Can poor hygiene cause Lichen Sclerosus?

LS is not contagious and cannot be transmitted by sexual intercourse. It is also not caused by poor hygiene.

Is penile lichen sclerosus serious?

Complications of lichen sclerosus include painful sex and scarring, including covering of the clitoris. Scarring of the penis can cause painful erection, poor urine flow and an inability to retract the foreskin. People with vulvar lichen sclerosus are also at an increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma

Is there a male version of lichen sclerosus?

Male genital lichen sclerosus (MGLSc) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease responsible for male sexual dyspareunia and urological morbidity. An afeared complication is squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the penis.

Is lichen sclerosis an STI?

Like many non-contagious conditions, lichen sclerosus shares some symptoms with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), but it is not a disease that can be contracted from touching surfaces or through sexual contact. You don’t have to worry about spreading lichen sclerosus to your sexual partner.

How do you treat lichen sclerosus glans?

Can be treated as part of our unique P Shot treatment for LS. The area will be numbed using a nerve block before any treatment.

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Our Process
Our Process

Lichen Sclerosus In Men Treatment

The P Shot is a pioneering treatment which is helping men to gain sexual confidence. By injecting the penis with the body’s own Platelet Rich Plasma the area is rejuvenated, increasing stamina, size and performance. In studies, PRP treatment for penile lichen sclerosus for men has showed excellent results, with a recent study showing significant improvements after treatment. PRP treatment in penile LS regenerates scarring and reduces symptoms, which hugely improves confidence and quality of life.

Why You Should Choose Elite Aesthetics
Why You Should Choose Elite Aesthetics

At Elite Aesthetics we are experts in the field of aesthetic treatments. Dr Shirin is the 1st female doctor in the UK to perform the procedure. Dr Shirin has over 18 years experience, and is a leading provider of the P-Shot and the O-Shot within the UK as well as the UK Trainer. Our aim is to give our clients confidence with our range of treatments. We will talk you through the procedure, and answer any questions you have. Our well located, comfortable clinic is located in Kent, and is just a 20 minute journey from Central London. All treatments can be administered by a male or female doctor for your comfort.

What Our Clients Say...
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We have extensive knowledge and experience in the medical and aesthetics industries, but we know that above all, the results matter! All of our treatments are vigorously tested in-house before we offer them to our clients to ensure they are safe, effective and will give you, our wonderful clients, the results you want. Your happiness, well-being and satisfaction are at the very core of everything we do here at Elite Aesthetics, and as a result we will never over-treat or carry out a procedure that Dr. Shirin, deems inappropriate or unsafe. Ethical treatment guides our practice, and we aim to become an industry leader in this respect. This means you can always feel confident that you are in safe hands when you choose Elite Aesthetics.

Our practice is led by our founder, Dr. Shirin Lakhani, who is an advocate for greater regulation in the aesthetics industry. Dr. Shirin and Elite Aesthetics believe greater regulation is vital to the development of aesthetics industry as a whole, and as such, our clinic’s philosophy is based on providing doctor-led care to the highest, medically approved standards. We adhere to stringent ethical and medical principles ensuring all the procedures we offer are safe and effective. Dr. Shirin is also fully registered with the GMC (reference number 4634863), and Elite Aesthetics is CQC (Care Quality Commission) Registered, an endorsement recognised by the UK Government, The Department of Health and NHS England.

Elite Aesthetics has been awarded PDO Thread Lift Certification by MINT Threads.

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