Postnatal Vaginal Rejuvenation: Everything You Need To Know
Having a baby is a wonderful thing, but for some women, it can change your body – and your vagina – for life! If you’re suffering from urinary incontinence, loss of sexual pleasure or vaginal dryness, there is a solution: non-surgical postnatal rejuvenation.
These non-invasive treatments can strengthen your pelvic floor, restore your sex drive and solve your incontinence problems, without the need for surgical procedures.
Common Postnatal Vaginal Problems
Pregnancy and childbirth can have a significant impact on your vagina. Many women find that – even with an uncomplicated birth – some things never quite go back to normal.
If you’ve noticed a difference in your vagina or your sexual experience since having a baby, you’re certainly not alone.
The most common postnatal complaints include:
Stress Incontinence
Do you experience leaking when you cough, sneeze or laugh? It could be stress incontinence. More than 50% of women struggle with urinary incontinence at some point in their lives – especially following pregnancy and childbirth.
The combination of the prolonged strain of carrying the extra weight of the uterus and baby, hormones and stretching of the pelvic floor muscles during labour, can lead to an inability to prevent leaks when under pressure.
Loss of Sensation
Many women notice that their ability to experience sexual pleasure changes after having a baby. As your hormones settle down you may find your sexual sensitivity returns, but for many women, it can become a long-term problem that leads to loss of libido and relationship problems.
Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal dryness is common following pregnancy and childbirth, as your hormones change and adapt. For some people, this lack of lubrication can cause significant issues including pain during sex, itching and soreness in the vagina, reduction in sex drive and increased urinary infections.
Vaginal Looseness
Birth can change the size, shape and laxity of your vagina. For some women, the stretching of the birth canal can lead to long-term or permanent looseness of the vagina. This can be an embarrassing and frustrating problem and can make sex less pleasurable for both partners.
One of the more severe postnatal vaginal issues is prolapsing. Vaginal prolapse is when the muscles that support the organs in a woman’s pelvis weaken to the point that they “droop” down into the vagina. If the muscles are extremely weak, the prolapse can even protrude outside of the vagina too.
How Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Work?
Non-surgical postnatal vaginal rejuvenation uses the latest technology to regenerate your muscles and tissues in the vagina. Solving many of the problems women experience after giving birth.
There are different types of postnatal rejuvenation treatments available. Some use ultrasound technology to stimulate cell regeneration, some use electromagnetic frequencies to exercise and strengthen your pelvic muscles, some harness the power of your body’s own healing platelets to encourage postnatal vaginal rejuvenation.
They’re all a little different but they are all safe, effective and pain-free. Making them an excellent alternative to surgical postnatal vaginal rejuvenation procedures.

Types Of Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatments
Ultra Femme 360
What is it? Ultra Femme 360 is a non-surgical postnatal vaginal rejuvenation treatment that uses radiofrequency to improve the tissues in the vagina.
How does it work? During the treatment, we direct radiofrequency into the cells in the vagina. This increases the blood flow to the area and stimulates the production of new, stronger collagen cells which strengthens and tones the muscles.
What can it help with? Ultra Femme 360 is a great postnatal vaginal rejuvenation treatment because it can help with many of the problems women tend to occur following pregnancy.
Ultra Femme 360 can increase muscle strength, tighten and firm the vagina, improve the appearance of the labia and help increase sexual pleasure. Making it a great postnatal vaginal rejuvenation treatment choice if you suffer from loss of libido, vaginal looseness, stress incontinence or if you’d like a neater, prettier vulva.
Ultra Femme 360 is a safe, effective and non-invasive treatment – click here to find out more…
The O Shot
What is it? The O Shot is an exciting, postnatal vaginal rejuvenation treatment that’s been fast gaining popularity in recent years. The O-Shot uses your body’s own natural platelets from your blood to stimulate healing and regeneration in your vagina.
How does it work? The O Shot is a type of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatment, similar to the Vampire facelift, Vampire Hair Restoration and PRP treatments that are used to treat sports injuries and aid in recovery from surgery.
The treatment works by isolating some of your body’s own platelet-rich plasma from your blood and injecting it into the vagina to stimulate regeneration.
It’s effective and safe – and despite how it may sound – relatively painless too.
What can it help with? The O Shot (also known as Orgasm Shot) can help you to reignite your sexual experience, increasing sensitivity and helping to make sex more enjoyable once again. It can help you if you’re experiencing postnatal problems with your vagina such as vaginal dryness, loss of sensation, loss of libido and difficulty orgasming.
To find out more about the O Shot for postnatal vaginal rejuvenation click here…
BTL Emsella Chair
What is it? The BTL Emsella is a breakthrough treatment that uses electromagnetic therapy to induce thousands of pelvic floor muscle contractions, strengthening and toning your vagina and reducing some of the common postnatal problems.
How does it work? The treatment is completely non-invasive and is completed fully clothed. You just sit on the chair and it does the rest! Using electromagnetic energy it contracts your pelvic floor muscles on a supramaximal level. This strengthens and tones your pelvic floor and stimulates your body to build new muscle fibres and proteins.
What can it help with? The BTL Emsella chair is effective at strengthening your pelvic floor, making it an excellent postnatal vaginal rejuvenation treatment. It can help with urinary incontinence, vaginal laxity, loss of sensation and even prolapse.
To find out more about BTL Emsella Chair click here…
Getting Help – Finding a Postnatal Rejuvenation Specialist
Asking for help when your problem feels so personal can be a little daunting. But here at Elite Aesthetics, as a sexual rejuvenation clinic – we understand.
Postnatal vaginal problems can have such a significant impact on your life, your confidence and your relationship, so we’re truly committed to making you feel comfortable as we provide you with the best – and most dignified – postnatal rejuvenation treatment.
Click here to find out more about our sexual rejuvenation treatments…