Vaginal Rejuvenation: Everything You Need To Know About Ultra Femme 360
If you’re looking for a safe, non-surgical alternative to vaginal rejuvenation surgery, then you’re in the right place.
Although it’s not something often spoken about publicly, many women feel insecure about or unhappy with the condition of their vagina.
It could be that your vagina has lost its tightness – resulting in stress incontinence, weak muscles and even a loss of sexual pleasure! Or, it could be that you’re looking to improve the external appearance of your labia?
Whatever you’re looking to improve “down there” the Ultra Femme 360 is a brilliant non-surgical solution.
Why Do Women Have Problems With Their Vaginas?
As we age, we naturally start to produce less collagen than in our younger years. Surprisingly this reduction in collagen production actually starts as young as 21, with 1% less collagen being produced each year from then on!
You won’t notice this gradual decline initially, but over the years it will start to compound, resulting in the slight loss of strength and laxity in your muscles that we associate with the natural ageing process – sadly, your vagina is no exception to this process.
Another reason that ageing can impact vaginal health is due to the decline in estrogen. We’ve all heard about the trials and tribulations of menopause – from vaginal dryness, itching and a lowered libido to loss of sensitivity in the vagina and pain during sex. Vaginal rejuvenation is one way to help combat these issues and maintain a healthy sex life even as you age.
And finally, one of the most common causes of problems with the vagina is childbirth.
During childbirth, the vaginal muscles have to expand to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. For some people, especially after multiple births or challenging labours, the vaginal muscles never quite recover – leaving you with looser, weakened vaginal muscles and even stretched or torn vaginal tissues and scarring.
You’ve probably seen the ads for vaginal rejuvenation surgery, but did you know there’s another safe, effective and non-surgical solution?
What is Ultra Femme 360?
Ultra Femme 360 is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation alternative to tradition vaginoplasty and labiaplasty surgery. It’s highly-effective, non-invasive and best of all – totally pain-free!
This FDA approved treatment harnesses the power of radiofrequency to stimulate your cells to naturally regenerate. By directing this radiofrequency into the cells in your problem areas we can increase blood flow and stimulate the production of new, stronger collagen.
These new collagen cells are the key to vaginal rejuvenation- giving you more muscle strength and tone, a tighter vagina and neater, healthier-looking labia.
What Can Ultra Femme 360 Help With?
Ultra Femme 360 is the ideal solution for vaginal rejuvenation both internally and externally. This revolutionary treatment can help to improve muscle strength and laxity in the vagina, giving you a tighter, firmer vagina and improving your sexual pleasure.
You can also use the Ultra Femme 360 for external vaginal rejuvenation on the labia and surrounding tissues. This can help give stretched, large or damaged labia a neater, prettier appearance and increase your confidence in how your vagina looks.
Ultra Femme 360 is also a safe, effective and non-invasive treatment for stress incontinence and menopausal or post-menopausal problems.
Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Hurt?
Not at all! One of the huge advantages of this vaginal rejuvenation treatment is that it’s completely pain-free. You might experience a warm sensation as the probe does its thing but there should be no pain or discomfort.
Want to see this treatment in action? Check out this video here to see Dr Lakhani complete this procedure live on This Morning to see just how comfortable the treatment really is.
Is Vaginal Rejuvenation Safe?
Vaginal rejuvenation with the Ultra Femme 360 is incredibly safe, effective and FDA approved.
In fact, studies so far have found no negative side effects from this revolutionary vaginal rejuvenation procedure.
There is no pain or irritation during the treatment, only a warming sensation similar to that of a hot stone massage.
How Long Does a Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Take & What About Recovery?
This non-surgical treatment has been given the tagline in the media of “the designer vagina in your lunchbreak” thanks to its speedy application. A vaginal rejuvenation treatment with the Ultra Femme 360 takes between 8-20 minutes!
Because it’s non-surgical and non-invasive with no side effects, you won’t have any need for a recovery period or need to take any time off work. You can literally pop in on your lunch break, have your treatment then continue with your day!
Initial results will be visible immediately with the full results continuing to develop over the following weeks as your body starts to create more collagen. There’s no need to abstain from sex during treatment either!
How Much Does It Cost?
Here in the UK, vaginal rejuvenation surgery is not cheap. A simple labiaplasty will cost you around £2000-£4000 and a vaginoplasty starts for £6000!
It’s very rare for this type of surgery to be offered on the NHS, with only the most severe cases such as serious tears after childbirth, extreme labial abnormalities or cancers qualifying for a referral. This means for many women this kind of vaginal rejuvenation is just not accessible.
Thankfully, vaginal rejuvenation with the Ultra Femme 360 is much more affordable. The treatment is usually completed in a course of 2-4 treatments and costs around £1650 in total – making it a much more attainable treatment for women struggling with intimate health problems.
Can Vaginal Rejuvenation Work For You?
So the most important question – is this the right treatment for you? As with all treatments, it’s important that you have a full consultation to discover if it really is the right answer for you.
A reputable Aesthetic Doctor will get to understand your unique condition, talk you through the options and make sure you have all the information you need to make a fully informed choice.
Here at Elite Aesthetics, Dr Shirin is a fully-trained and highly-experienced aesthetic physician, with over 20 years of experience in the medical field, including several years as a GP and a sub-speciality in aesthetics. If you’re looking for an empathetic, honest and ethical aesthetic doctor to help you with your intimate health problems then you’re in the right place.
To find out more about how Dr Shirin can help you click here…