Do Injections For Penile Growth Work?
For many men, the size of their penis can be something that they are worried about. Even though all penises come in different shapes and sizes, a report found that 45% of men were dissatisfied with their penis size (it’s worth noting, however, that 85% of women were satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis in the same study).
So, what can you do if you or your partner are unhappy with your penis size?
Some take extreme measures to change it, such as surgical enhancement, but the problem with this is that penis enlargement surgery is invasive and expensive, plus the recovery can be extremely painful.
The good news is that if you are looking to increase your penis size, the fastest, easiest and least invasive way to do it is by having specialist injections for penile growth.
Dermal fillers for penile enlargement are fast becoming the go-to procedure for men searching for a non-invasive treatment to get a bigger penis. If you want to learn why, then read on…
What Are Injections for Penile Growth?
Penile fillers are injections of dermal filler that are strategically administered into your penis to increase your penis size. The most typical dermal filler used in this area is made from hyaluronic acid.
Dermal fillers for penile enlargement are chosen because hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that your body produces. You might have heard of dermal fillers in the face, which are often used to reduce the signs of ageing. This is because dermal fillers provide a fuller, plumper, more youthful look.
When dermal fillers are injected into the shaft of your penis, the penis becomes instantly thicker thanks to the efficient water-retaining properties of a hyaluronic acid filler. Hyaluronic acid fillers can store up to 1,000 times its own weight in water, which makes it the ideal solution for a small or thin penis adding volume to the treated areas.
Penile fillers result in an increase of girth that looks and feels very natural, whether the penis is flaccid or erect, so you can see why this treatment is very popular with our patients.
For most penile filler treatments, a “deep tissue filler” is used because it lasts longer than other fillers available.
Penile injections for size, such as dermal fillers, are not designed to increase length, they are predominantly regarded as injections for penile girth, and in this department, they can make a substantial difference.
At Elite Aesthetics, we can combine dermal fillers for penile enlargement with the P-Shot, which increases its effectiveness and often provides patients with a long-lasting, more significant result.
What Penile Fillers Can (and Can’t) Do
Penile fillers can help with the following:
- Smoothing the shaft: This ‘smoothing’ helps to disguise any lumps and bumps visible on your penis
- Help with shape: In addition to helping with lumps and bumps, dermal fillers correct curvature caused by conditions such as Peyronie’s disease
- Increasing penis girth: Fillers add volume to the penis shaft, resulting in increased girth, men should typically see a 10%-15% increase in circumference
- Improve Confidence: Feeling confident about one’s penis size can have a positive impact on sexual satisfaction and self-esteem
- Increased Sensitivity: Many patients report experiencing increased sensitivity, enhancing sexual enjoyment
If you were to combine your penile injections for size with the P-Shot, you could also expect:
- Improved erection strength – this is due to the increased blood flow
- Increased sensation during sex and more virility
- Effective long-term solution to any erectile dysfunction issues
- Straighter penis and reduced symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease
There are some limitations, however.
Fillers primarily increase girth, not length, although some patients may see a slight length difference, especially when flaccid. It should be noted, however, that this result is rare. If you are concerned with the length of your penis, there are other treatments designed specifically to help increase length. Your doctor at Elite Aesthetics can discuss those options with you such as recommended penile traction devices.
The results you get are temporary, but they tend to last 1-2 years. If you like the results, then repeat procedures will be required.
Why Choose Injections For Penile Size?
Compared to surgical methods, injections for penile growth are usually the preferred treatment because of the following reasons:
- Non-Invasive Procedure: No incisions, scarring, or general anaesthesia required.
- Quick Recovery: Being a non-invasive procedure, minimal downtime is required. You are usually able to resume normal activities within days.
- Lower Risk: There are far fewer potential complications compared to surgery.
- Natural-Looking Results: Fillers work with existing tissue for a more natural look and feel.
The fact is that if you are worried about your penis size, then injections for penile growth could work wonders for you. Dermal fillers will immediately add girth and are a long-lasting treatment. With specialist help, you will get the penis that you are happy and comfortable with.
Next Steps
If you like the sound of penile injections for size and think that this treatment is right for you, then the next thing to do is book a consultation.
All our consultations are held in our clinic in Kent, and our team has many years of experience providing penis treatments in the UK.
We are driven by a desire to offer patients the most natural, long-term results possible and to really listen to every patient to ensure they get the best possible solution.
Dr Shirin has been offering injections for penile growth for many years and has a team dedicated to supporting you during and after your treatment. Our patients return for further treatment time and time again because they trust her, and her results have made her the leading specialist for UK penis fillers.
You can contact us by calling 01322 381 205, emailing, or WhatsApp us.
We hold consultations in our award-winning clinic based in Greenhithe, Kent, which is just 20 minutes away by train from St. Pancras, London.