The ageing process is of course inevitable but there are several steps you can take to slow it down and continue to look your best. Surprisingly too, it’s not all about Botox. There is a plethora of treatments available, many of which focus on definitive parts of the face and body, so you can focus on the areas that you want to enhance and importantly, those that are giving away your age.
Dr Shirin Lakhani, one of the leading aesthetic doctors in the UK and owner of Elite Aesthetics in Kent has revealed her top tips on how to pause the clock and see if there was a way to truly rewind time
‘The great thing about aesthetic treatments is that they enhance your natural beauty; they make you look younger and less tired, without taking away what makes you, you,’ says Dr Lakhani. ‘There are now more treatments than ever available for patients, whether it’s a radiofrequency skin-tightening treatment such as the BTL Exilis or a non-surgical blepharoplasty to remove excess skin and lift the eyes without the downtime that comes with surgery.
When it comes down to injectables, the focus now is to refresh rather than over inflate, using strategic placement of product to create a natural, well-rested look.
Ultimately Dr Lakhani explains that there can be no ‘one size fits all’ approach and a holistic, personalised anti-ageing strategy is required to truly have a benefit.
‘Most women take care of their faces,’ says Dr Lakhani. ‘But so many more elements can have an impact. Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can have a huge impact on a patient’s overall wellbeing and appearance while an intimate rejuvenation treatment can be the key to unlocking a patient’s confidence in their relationship and in turn, their confidence and self-esteem.
‘There is a direct correlation between these results and a patient’s appearance.
To have maximum benefit when it comes to anti-ageing, Dr Lakhani recommends that aesthetics treatments are incorporated into a lifestyle which has both health and wellbeing placed firmly in the foreground.
‘When my patients visit me concerned about ageing, one of the first things that I discuss in-depth with them is their skin quality.
Dr Shirin recommends a number of things to make sure that the skin is well looked after and that ageing is kept at bay.
When makeup is removed, the skin becomes a ‘clean canvas ready to absorb product’ explains Dr Lakhani. ‘After a long day, your skin desperately wants to rid itself of pore-clogging debris and pollution.’
There is also no such thing as a safe tan either, according to Dr Lakhani. ‘When cells are exposed to UV light, more melanin is produced. This is the pigment that colours your skin, which is why you tan.
‘The production of melanin is a sign that damage has already been done and your skin has been injured by UV exposure.
‘If you like to spend a lot of time in the sun, make sure that you apply sunscreen every two hours and again after returning from the pool. 90 percent of skin damage is caused by UV exposure and the best way to avoid this is to apply a good sunscreen.’
Shockingly, Dr Lakhani recommends surrendering your trusty moisturiser, too.
‘Although our moisturisers may appear to provide instant softening and plumping, what most of them are actually doing is sitting on the surface of the skin acting as a barrier. Instead of providing deep hydration our creams are suffocating the skin and causing it to switch off its natural moisture production.
‘Natural hydration ultimately has to come from within the body and cannotin fact be reversed by applying moisturiser on the skin’s surface. What most people really need is a good exfoliator, retinol, a healthy diet rich in fruit, vegetables and nuts and plenty of water.
‘This, alongside a personalised treatment plan can have a distinct impact when it comes to helping a patient to look younger for longer.’
Call 01322 381205 to book an appointment with Dr Shirin, leading the way with female health and rejuvenation in the UK.